ELDERLY CARE: Helping the Elderly in Hong Kong Regain Mobility
Mobility is something we often take for granted, but for the elderly, sometimes even the simple act of tackling a small flight of stairs at home could feel like a battle of attrition. Conditions such as Parkinson’s, arthritis or even seasonal body aches may stop them from even leaving their own rooms, leading to a loss of social interactions, confidence, or even interest in life. In other words, immobility can result in the gradual deterioration of the mind, body, and soul.
Tony Chan Chun Tong is a young physiotherapist who understands the intimate correlation between the human body and mind. A healthier, more mobile body contributes to better social life, keeping the mind more active, and the soul more nourished. On the other hand, a lot of perceived physical ailments can simply be manifestations of loneliness and depression within their hearts. A change in mindset, or even just having someone to talk to, may already be sufficient to make most of their pain disappear. To him, “Healthy body, healthy mind” certainly goes both ways.
One of Hong Kong’s main outlying islands, Lamma island consists of a local community with a large number of elderly, many whom live alone without the travel conveniences of the city. Tony organizes teams to Lamma Island to pay monthly visits to the local elderly in their own homes while giving them health examinations as well as gifts, necessities, and good company. The health examination process is scale-able because it requires minimal technical knowledge to implement, as long as proper procedures are followed. The process also teaches young volunteers how to take care of, and communicate with, the elderly.
With your help, better and more mobile medical equipment can be used, along with more manpower to cover more elderly homes on Lamma island, and possibly other outlying islands such as Mui Wo.
By purchasing the Silver Soul collection, 10% of sales will go to this meaningful project, helping the elderly regain confidence in life.